Saturday, March 28, 2009

REVIEW: Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione

Release date: March 31, 2009
Grand Central Publishing


Ecstasy was never so dangerous . . .

Passion Unleashed is the third book in the paranormal romance series called Demonica by Larissa Ione. The hero of each of the first three books in this series centers around one of three demon brothers who founded the first ever hospital for demons--Underworld General Hospital. Pleasure Unbound is the story of the oldest brother, Eidolon; Desire Unchained is Shade's story; and Passion Unleashed is the story of the youngest brother, Wraith.

Wraith is the bad boy of the brothers so to speak, but for founded reasons. Wraith was born half vampire-half demon, an almost impossible mixed breed. Wraith's mother was a vampire who had been violently impregnated and repeatedly raped by his post s'genesis demon father while he held her captive for the duration of her pregnancy. Once his offspring was born, the demon father took off, leaving the newly turned vampire with her young. Needless to say, when Wraith was born and it was discovered that he was not full vampire, he was considered an abomination to his mother and her entire vampire clan. Instantly he became an object of deep hatred and resentment who was only kept alive for so his mother could torture, abuse, and punish him for his very existence. Eventually he escaped, but was caught and tortured to near death by his uncle before Shade and Eidolon found and saved him. [You can read this intense and brutal tale in the short story The Reckoning that can be found in the online Demonica Compendium. You can access the book from the Demonica Compendium widget on my sidebar or at Larssia Ione's website at]. Since then, and understandably so, Wraith is a bit cold and distant. He does not get close to anyone, barely even his brothers. He does what he wishes, when he wishes, hunting, fighting, and getting laid his only priorities. He is a tiny bit discriminating with the females he lays, though. For reasons tied to his horrific past, Wraith will never feed from or have sex with a vampire or human. Ever.

At the end of Desire Unchained, Wraith went through his s'genesis and was enjoying being able to seduce as many females as possible without a care in the world . But now there's a problem. Wraith was poisoned and is now dying. With no antidote in existence, his only hope for survival is to acquire a very specific immortality charm that is in the possession of one female named Serena Kelley, who must remain a virgin in order for the charm to stay intact. All Wraith has to do, then, is to seduce it from her. The catch is that Serena is well... human. It gets even more complicated than that, in ways that I won't explain because it is all tightly woven into an intricate story arc that spins out of control right to the very last pages of this novel.

Ever since I read the first Demonica book last June, I have been anticipating Wraith's story. There is something incredibly appealing and satisfying about the love story of a tortured, lonely and misunderstood hero, and Wraith certainly fits that profile. He's the aloof brother with the don't-care attitude, causing all kinds of trouble and hardships for his brothers. Yet the truth is that he does care and throughout the first two books, the reader gets glimpses of a vulnerability and tenderness that's buried under his tough demon exterior.

Serena Kelley is a fantastic heroine and a perfect match for Wraith. If there was one human female who could turn Wraith inside out and upside down, it is Serena. She's an archaeologist--a treasure hunter, just like Wraith who travels the world in search of magical artifacts and rare ingredients for demon remedies. Serena is smart, confident, honest and knows what she wants. At 25 years old, she has successfully maintained her virginity in order to preserve her charm, but she's not completely innocent. She is a very sensual woman who has a lot to offer the right man. She is also well aware that she is being deprived of experiencing the ultimate expression of love and intimacy with another person. The sharing of body and soul with the one you love. And she craves that for the first time ever with the male who has to power to destroy her.... Wraith.

Wraith and Serena's love story is heart wrenching and heart warming. Wraith is obviously out to deceive her and starts out their relationship based on some very big lies. All the while, Serena is pretty honest and upfront with him, and as he sets out to carefully seduce her and not scare her away, he really gets to know her. And himself, too, actually. He starts falling for her... a human! Who'd have thought he'd ever fall for someone, let alone a human? But he does, and the author orchestrates it just perfectly. Every single nuance with Wraith's character, with Serena's character, and their romance is perfectly paced and completely believable. Their reactions to each other and to all that happens to them and around them makes sense and builds to a very exciting and climactic happily ever after.

The romance plot in Passion Unleashed is intimately connected to the story arc for the entire novel, as are several secondary story lines featuring familiar characters from the first two books, along with some new characters as well. Although, calling these story lines 'secondary' really does an injustice to them, for they are crucial to the evolution of the overall story arc. Once again, Larissa Ione does a fantastic job of developing an intricate plot with all kinds of unexpected plot twists and revelations that ultimately connect for a thrilling climax. And I'm talking thrilling. The ending of this story is an incredible whirlwind of action, surprise twists, and soul satisfying happily ever afters all around.

I think the huge climactic ending of Passion Unleashed provides closure for all three of the Demonica books, which makes sense since I believe Larissa Ione was originally contracted for only three books in this series. However, she cleverly slipped in an unexpected surprise toward the end of Passion Unleashed that can serve as the gateway to future Demonica books. Thankfully, Larissa's book contract has been extended and we can expect two more full length novels in the Demoncia series. Unfortunately, we will have to wait until 2010 for the next book! But wait until you find out who gets the next book! It's a doozy! ;)


BOOK GIVEAWAY: Win a copy of Passion Unleashed!

Forbidden Temptations .... Fatal Desires ....

Those words come from the book blurb on the back of Passion Unleashed and they truly convey the tension of the highly charged, sensual and tender romance between Wraith and Serena. You know you just have to read this intense, action packed, sexy, fun book!

I'm going to help five lucky readers get their hands on this book, compliments of Hachette Book Group. To enter for a chance to win a copy of Passion Unleashed, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me who your favorite Demonica character is and why.

If you haven't read this series yet, read the book blurbs at Larissa's website and tell me which of the three brothers or books interests you the most. If your name gets drawn, you still only win a copy of Passion Unleashed. You'll have to buy the first two on your own to catch up!

I'm sorry, but only residents of the USA or Canada are eligible to win and no PO boxes, please.

Contest ends on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 11:59 pm EDT.

If a winner does not reply to me with their address by Sunday, April 5, 2009 to claim their prize, new winners will be selected.

Good luck!


  1. OK, well, I skipped reading most of this because I'm only on chapter 7 and I still have to write my review, but I just wanted to pop in and be all SQUEEEE! How much fun is this book? I'm loving it!

  2. *ahem*


    (and do not skip KKB tomorrow for an interview with Larissa ;-) )

  3. Wonderful review Christine. Seems we derived the same viewpoint from the novel. :)

    Please don't enter me in the contest because I've already enjoyed the read.

    I wanted to say good luck to everyone, and THIS BOOK ROCKS...

    Warm Regards

  4. Of the brothers I'm kind of partial to Wraith - there is just something about him that is more mysterious than the others. However I'm really intrigued by Luc - Larissa's poor werewolf. My heart just broke for him in Pleasure Unbound when he was attacked and lost his mate. He needs his own story.

  5. Oh picking one brother? Dang that's so not fair! Ok... if I have to pick 1....Eidolon. I just like the way he takes care of Shade and Wraith, even though it's against a Seminus Demon's instincts he keeps them from harm as much as he's able.

  6. Great review! If I had to pick a favorite character, it would be Eilodon. He is the one who hooked me into the series and I just loved his story. E's the calm in the storm, an anchor to his brothers and I love how even though we've seen his story, he's still a part of his brother's story.

  7. Great review!! Wrath is a virgin in some ways, more emotionally if anything.

  8. I must read these books! I have the last two but need to make the time to read them. Me thinks April!

  9. Wow, great review! I'm so excited to read it. Um, well if I had to pick a favorite character it would have to be Wraith. I'm extremely partial to the tormented bad boys, and Warith is definitely that!
    I love, love, love this series!

  10. Shade is my favorite out of all the three books. Please count me in I havent read the lastest book yet. :-)

  11. Great review. I love this series. Wraith is my favorite character.

  12. Wonderful review, and dead on. I agree with everything you said!!
    And hmmm....Wraith is my favorite. It's hard to choose, but he wins for some of the very reasons you listed. He tries so hard to be a crusty bad ass, but he loves his family....and is a marshmallow underneath.

  13. Great review. And I adored Wraith!

  14. It's hard to choose between the brothers. I'd have to say Wraith, but it's almost a tie between Eidolon, Shade, and Wraith. LOL. }:)

  15. I've only read the first story so far, and Eidolon's character totally worked for me, especially the way he looks out for his brothers. Can tell that Shade and Wraith are due for a little feminine payback and I can't wait to read their stories.

  16. Great review. It makes me even more anxious to get my hands on Wraith's book. However, I have to say that Eidolon is my favorite so far.

  17. I refuse to pick one. I haven't read the series yet. I do already have books 1 & 2 and I'm waiting for the third to I can have a marathon reading session.

    I've only ever heard great things about this series. From what I can tell though and if I really had to pick it would be Wraith. Its the vampire-demon calling to me.

  18. Aww man, I have to choose between the three brothers? That's about difficult, though, I guess I've always been partial to Wraith because of the torture aspect. There's just something about the tortured ones that draws you too them.

    But I was gonna say another favorite character of mine is GEM. I'm always a sucker for side characters and seem to bond with them. Hehe, maybe it's because she dresses Goth and I have a little inner Goth in me.

    But then Eidolon is another fav because of the depths he goes to, to protect his siblings.

  19. wraith he has a level of intrigue thanks for the giveaway

  20. Of the three brothers, I would chose Wraith. I love the fact he is a tortured soul. It also the sexiest book cover, too. Have a great day.

  21. I haven't read any of these yet. I'd pick Eidolon just because my son is in Med school! LOL

  22. Oh thank you for the review. I can't wait to get my hands on this Wow to just pick one character, that is hard. I like them all for different Eidolon is sexy and sensitive, Shade is sexy and cursed and Wraith is sexy and!! I guess if I had to pick it would be Wraith because I love the dark brooding ones!!

  23. I forgot to say why I'd pick Wraith {:0 While all the brothers have great qualities, Wraith's edge is very appealing.

  24. my favorite character is Wraith. He's a tortured hero and one badass dude. but Tayla is my favorite heroine cause she doesn't take shit from anyone. Looking forward to Gemma's book at least I hope larissa is going to write her story lol.

  25. Wraith sounds yummy!

  26. Wow, never heard of these before!! Oooo, boyo have I added these to the top of my TBB list!

    After reading this, Wraith has my interest for sure!!

  27. Great review and I cannot wait to read Passion Unleashed. I have really enjoyed the series thus far and I am glad the series will continue after the brothers' stories.

    My favorite brother...I would have to say Shade. What can I a thing for hawt demon on a Harley! :)

  28. How can I choose just one?!?!? I guess I would have to go with can't go wrong with a sexy and tortured soul.

  29. I choose Wraith for my favorite brother, if I had to choose! very hard by the way.

    I really hope to be getting this 3rd book shortly. One way or another. Thanks for the giveaway

    bsyb100 AT gmail dot com

  30. I don't have a favorite charactor as I haven't had the pleasure yet of reading any of the books. I'd love a chance to start!

    Thank you for the contest

  31. I have the first book but I haven't read it yet but I have heard some great things about Wraith. :-)


  32. I haven't read any of these yet, but Wraith appeals to me the most. I love the dilemma that he is faced with.

  33. HI Christine *waves* I'm not eligible for the contest, so please don't count me in, but I just wanted to say thank you for the fantastic review! Obviously this is a series I need to 'suggest' to my library :)

    Wraith sure sounds like one tortured hero!

  34. IF I have to pick just one of the brothers, I guess it'd be

  35. Okay I really want this book so I didn't read the review but I'm glad that you gave it such a high grade. Can't wait to read this one and the second one.

  36. My favorite character is Wraith b/c he's the sexiest.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. I think Desire Unchained would interest me the most.

  38. I guess I would pick Wrath. He seems most intriguing to me. WOW I am going to have to read the other two books.

  39. I have not read this series yet but your excellent review has really intrigued me -- I think I'm going to go check out the first two books on Amazon. Based on what I have read in your review and the blurbs I would choose Wraith as my favorite character -- pending reading the books of course :-)

  40. Thanks for the very detailed review! Passion Unleashed seems to be an amazing book. I can't wait to have it in my hands tomorrow!

  41. My favorite Demonica character is Wraith because Larissa seems to love him so much.

  42. Wraith is my favorite character! I been counting down the days to read his book. Even took the day off work. Guess he is my favorite because I've always had a thing for the tormented ones. Love the bad boys.

  43. I have just started this series, better late than never:), so I do not have a favorite right now.

  44. Love to have this. I really hope I win. This sounds just like the books I adore!



  45. Wraith Is my favorite. Maybe it's because there seems to be so many layers to him. I have enjoyed the first two books in this series but I'm very excited about this book. I want to learn more out Wraith

  46. I've only read the first book, but based on that, I'd have to say Shade is my favorite character. Even though he doubts his brothers judgement, he still backs him up and cares what happens to him. And he tries to be fair, even when he thinks he is right. I love this idea and I can't wait to get the second and third books. I hope she also devotes books to some of the side characters (those she doesn't kill off, that is) such as Luc,Gem and even possibly Kynan. I just love Larissa Ione's world tht she has created with this series.

  47. Wow--lots of comments! Thanks, everyone, for stopping by! It's great to see you all.

    Those who have read the books so far, thanks so much for the kind words and the support!

    And if you haven't read, good luck with the contest! I hope you enjoy the books!

    And thanks for the review! It's FABULOUS!!!

  48. I am so excited about Passion Unleashed. I read the first book and I was hooked. Desire Unchained was amazing. Picking one of the brothers... hmmm... that's a bit difficult. I choose Eidolon. I love how he's in control and so protective and has some common sense. He's a seminus demon who is hott as hell. Who wouldn't like him? :)

  49. Hi Christine,

    I have not read this series however, I have the 1st two books waiting front & center on my TBR shelf for 'Passion Unleashed'. I have waited since the last 2 were coming out so close together & I wanted to read all three one after another. These will be the 1st of Larissa's books for me but she comes highly recommended so I anticipate a great read!! Wraith is the one I'm most interested in. I loved the character when I read one of her interviews/write ups about the series awhile back.

    Thank you,

  50. Warith,Warith,Warith

    jdmimi at gmail dot com

  51. Can't pick one!!!! Greedy and want them all!!!

  52. Thanks to everyone who read my review. You are going to love Passion Unleashed! Wraith has this really cool dichotomous character going on: very tough and rough, but so tender on the inside... especially when it comes to one Serena Kelly. It's ironic and very romantic that she's the one who's the virgin, yet he's the one experiencing many things for the first time. ;)

    I enjoyed reading your comments and am glad I'm not the only one who would have trouble picking a favorite character from this series.

    I'm also glad someone mentioned Gem as one of their favorite characters, as she's one of mine as well. Gem has a romantic subplot of her own running through the series, getting significant page time in Passion Unleashed as well. Talk about intense!

    The deadline for the book giveaway ends tonight just before midnight, so I'll be picking a winner tomorrow morning. Be sure to drop by to see if you're a lucky winner!

    In the meantime, stop by the blog Karen Knows Best and check out this neat interview with Larissa. Thanks for the heads up, AztecLady! ;)

    Happy Release Day, Larissa!

  53. Definately enter me in the contest!

    Hmmm if I had to pick one I would pick Wraith because I love dark, brooding and tortured characters.


    Terri W.

  54. Great review, Christine! And what a very interesting conflict/obstacle between these two. ;)

    Looking forward to reading it.

  55. I just posted the winners in a new post on my blog. Come by to see if you're a lucky winner and claim your prize!

    Be sure to read the entire post. There's a little surprise at the end for someone who didn't make the top 5.

  56. Just wanted to let you know that one of the winners couldn't wait and went out to purchase her copy of Passion Unleashed today, so I picked a replacement winner.... Karen ! (spelled with an 'e').

    Visit today's post (April 1, 2009) for instructions to claim your prize, Karen!


Leave a comment! I love to hear what YOU think.
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