I just starting reading my In Death book for April today, so it looks like I'm going to miss this month by a couple of days. How did you do?
Link up any In Death posts you made this month here. If you made a post on your blog whether it be a review or commentary, please grab the link to your post and enter in the Mr. Linky below along with your name so we can find each other's latest In Death posts easily.
If you're just keeping a running list of the books as you read them, grab the link to your list post and enter in the Mr. Linky so we can recognize your success this month.
If you're reading or rereading without documenting it on your blog, let me know in the comments which book(s) you read in this month. This will also help me keep track of who's eligible for the challenge giveaway this month!
REMINDER: In order to be eligible for the challenge giveaway in April 2011, you must have read four In Death books between January 1, 2011 and April 30, 2011 and have documented that you have either on your own blog, on goodreads [please leave a link to your profile if we're not already friends there] or you can let us know what you read here in the comments of the monthly In Death Reading Challenge posts. See below for giveaway details!
I'm short on ideas for a discussion topic this month. I'm afraid to bring up anything that may be spoiler-ish in nature to any readers who are still in the early stages of the series. Here's a fun question:
Do you think the cat Galahad favors Eve or Roarke?
I think Galahad favors Eve--he knows when she needs comforting and knows she's a sucker for handing over food from her plate!
As promised, I am going to do a little giveaway for the participants in this challenge. One randomly selected winner will receive their choice of a US $5 gift card to Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Amazon, B&N or the purchase of a US $5 book from The Book Depository. To qualify for the giveaway, you must do or have done the following:
1. Be signed up for the In Death Reading Challenge in this post HERE either with Mr.Linky or in the comments if you do not have your own blog.
2. Have read FOUR In Death novels between January 1, 2011 and April 30, 2011.
3. Have documented the In Death novels you have read for the challenge by:
Maintaining a running list somewhere on your blog
Posting reviews or commentary on your blog
Having notified me which book(s) you read in comments on any of the In Death Challenge posts
Any combination of the above.
Pretty simple. Read four In Death books between January and April 2011, leave me proof, and voila! You're in the drawing.
I'll select a winner at the end of next week! Good luck.