According to the Mayan doomsday prophecy, time ends on December 21, 2012. In Nightkeepers, the last king of an ancient race of magi must team up with a sexy Miami-Dade narcotics detective in order to reunite his scattered warriors and fight the gods of the Mayan underworld. Wielding ancestral blood magic, the king must choose between his duty to avert the 2012 apocalypse and his love for the woman who is the gods' destined sacrifice.
Sharing tales from the 'happily ever afters' I read in books, as well as from those in my real life!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Promoting Night Keepers by Jessica Andersen
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
REVIEW: Lover Enshrined by J.R. Ward

Friday, May 23, 2008
My Friday Fifteen List
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
TBR Challenge: The Beast Within by Lisa Renee Jones
This is my review for the TBR Challenge I am participating in at, but I'll be honest and say that it wasn't the book I intended on reading for today's post. I started reading Rapture In Death by J.D. Robb last week, but have had a busy few weeks with end of school year stuff going on (and a kid home sick for the last few days) that I didn't get to finish it in time. The Beast Within by Lisa Renee Jones was released November 1, 2007, so really hasn't been on my TBR pile for too long, but I did read it earlier this month and it's still one book off the pile, right?
The Beast Within by Lisa Renee Jones
In this first Knights of White novel, the leader of the Knights of White, is the first of the Knights to overcome the Beast within. Jag is a strong willed and determined leader who has the utmost respect and reverence from his fellow knights. There is no doubt that he wants to do the best he possibly can by his knights while following out his duty to defeat evil. Having spent the last several hundred years silently mourning the death of his wife at the hands of a Darkland Beast, Jag still carries tremendous guilt that he was not able to stop her violent murder. When Karen Gibson shows up at the Knights' ranch with her sister entranced by the leader of the Darkland Beasts, Jag recognizes Karen as the woman from his erotic dreams and doesn't know whether she is a gift or a curse. When it is revealed that Karen has the same erotic dreams as Jag, they are driven to determine whether their connection serves the purpose of good or that of evil before it is too late and the price is that of a life--as the lives of Karen, Jag, the Knights, and Karen's sister Eva are all at stake.
As a first novel in a series, Ms. Jones does a great job at setting up the world and introducing the main and secondary characters. While the plot seems a bit cliche and predictable, it is still fast paced, entertaining and sexy. Jag was a wonderfully silent and brooding hero, devoted to his men and his mission to fight evil. Karen's determination to protect her sister and her bravery to stand up to Jag and his Knights were both admirable qualities in a heroine.
The sex between Jag and Karen was very sexy in both their dreams and in reality when they did finally come together, but I felt that the build up of emotion between them was not there and the romance was left to the device that they shared love in their past, so poof! They shared it in the present as well. It was very sweet the way this one woman was finally able to bring out a tender and sensual side of Jag that has laid dormant since his wife's death all these hundreds of years. But, I would have still liked to see the romance developed between them without fully relying on their past connection.
I also felt like the author was repeating the same inner dialogue over and over again with Jag's perpetual struggle with whether or not Karen was delivered to him to tempt him or save him. It was explained one too many times in the narration without any progress in Jag's resolution of what to make of Karen's presence.
In addition, I felt Karen's behavior toward Jag was a bit unbelievable. One minute she was furious with him and wanted to get her sister and run fast and far from the Knight's Ranch, and then a split second later, she was melting into his impulsive kisses without even a mental struggle, let alone a physical one. That was a bit unbelievable to me, even if he did feel familiar to her. Also, I expected Karen to do more to try to escape the Ranch with Eva once she realized they were being kept under lock and key and Marisol's healing methods were so unconventional. Bravery aside, I would expect survival instincts to tell her to get the hell out of there, not make out with the leader when he comes to her room to question her.
Two secondary characters from The Beast Within that I really enjoyed were the Knight named Rock and the healer of the Knights of White, Marisol. Both have tragedies in their past and are denying their feelings for each other as it is forbidden for them to be together. I don't see their story on the horizon since according to Ms. Jones' website as the heroes and heroines of the next five books are named and Rock and Marisol aren't there! :(
The Beast Within is a sexy and sweet story, but with a fairly predictable plot and some repetitiveness in the narration.
I haven't yet decided if I'll pick up the next book in this series. I probably will if I come across it, but I'm not rushing out to get it.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wherein Colin Ames-Beaumont raises DIK standards.
To the lovely ladies who worship their DIKs,
I have, of course, a list of requirements that must be fulfilled before I reside in a hut.
(I will, at this time, forgo listing my objections to living in any building that can be described as a 'hut.' Good God. The list would be far too exhaustive, and an eternity not long enough to write it.)
1) All mirrors shall be removed from the premises. In any case, no one will be looking at themselves--anyone with sense will be looking at me.
2) One woman cannot supply all of the blood I require, and therefore I must be granted access to every hut.
3) If I am not provided the women I need, I will take your men. I will give them a shagging unlike any they've ever had, and for some time afterward they will be good for nothing, and very likely crawl after me, ignoring you and hoping for another tumble. At such times, they will be unavailable for mohito-making, cleaning, and various other activities that you have planned for them.
4) I prefer not to sunbathe. If you wish to see me in a bathing suit, it will have to be in the dark or indoors. If you wish to see me nude, you have only to ask -- but you must prepare yourself for the glory that awaits you, and either sit or lie on a bed first. It is so tedious to always be catching fainting women.
5) If I am traded, I prefer not to be in a hut with Hugh Castleford. It is inconceivable to me that he was chosen before me; I may very well kill him.
If, of course, he does not first lecture me to death.
6) I must have a closet, access to a shower, a toothbrush, and the Wilkes Bashford website. Upon request, I will critique the other heroes' appearances, but I will not purchase clothing for anyone but myself.
7) I will not kiss McCabe.
Forever yours,
Colin Ames-Beaumont
Posted by Anonymous to The happily ever after . . . at May 14, 2008 6:35 PM
Pssst! Meljean! You rock! ;)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Name Your Dessert Island Keeper!

2. Thea - Jamie Fraser (Outlander, Diana Gabaldon) Joscelin Verreuil (Kushiel's Legacy series, Jacqueline Carey), Jacob Black (Twilight Series, Stephanie Meyer), Batman! , Remy LeBeau a.k.a. Gambit (Uncanny X-Men, Chris Claremont),
3. Sula - Rhage (Black Dagger Brotherhood series, JR Ward) Asa McIntyre (Promises Linger by Sarah McCarty), Dain (Lord of Scoundrels, Loretta Chase), Ian Witherspoon (At Love's Command, Samantha Kane), Nathaniel Bonner (Into the Wilderness, Sara Donati),
4. Shannon - Sam Donovan (Mr. Perfect, Linda Howard) Sam Starrett (Troubleshooters series, Suzanne Brockmann), Max Baghat (Troubleshooter series, Suzanne Brockmann), Adam Hauptman (Mercedes Thompson series, Patricia Briggs), Captain Malcom Reynolds a.k.a. Capt. Tight Pants (Firefly/Serenity franchise & comics, Joss Whedon),
5. Sarai - Jake Riordan (Adrien English series, Josh Lanyon) Rejar (Rejar, Dara Joy),Vaughn D'Angelo (Visions of Heat, Nalini Singh), Zarek of Moesia (Dance with the Devil, Sherrilyn Kenyon), Jonas (Breed Series, Lora Leigh),
6. Samantha Kane - Doyle/The Queen's Darkness (Merry Gentry Series, Laurell K. Hamilton) Cat, a young pirate (The Windflower, Laura London),Chief of Police Jack West( All U Can Eat, Emma Holly), Tom Paoletti (Unsung Hero, Suzanne Brockmann), Angel a.k.a. Angelis (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Angel Chronicles, Nancy Holder and or Angel: After the Fall, Brian Lynch and Franco Urru),
7. Naida - Edward Cullen (Twilight, Stephanie Meyers) John Atlantis (Entangled, Kathleen Dante), Frederick Wentworth (Persuasion, Jane Austen), Aragorn aka Strider (Lord of the Rings trilogy, J.R.R. Tolkien), Tristen (Legends of the Fall, Jim Harrison),
8. MaryKate - ROARKE (In Death series, JD Robb) Lucas Hunter (Slave to Sensation, Nalini Singh), Maximillian Pesaro,( Gardella Chronicles, Colleen Gleason), Cameron Quinn (Sea Swept, Nora Roberts), Jacob Green (Vampire Queen Servant series, Joey W. Hill),
9. Lisabea - Adrien English (Adrien English series, Josh Lanyon) Colin Ames Beaumont (Demon Moon, Meljean Brook), Jake Romero (With Caution, J.L. Langley), Nate (My Fair Captain, J.L. Langley), Savitri Murray (Demon Moon, Meljean Brook),
10. KristieJ - Derek (Dreaming of You, Lisa Kleypas) Dax Silverbrake (Sky Pirate, Justine Davis) Ciaran Tamberlane (My Forever Love, Marsha Canham), Branden Kel-Paten (Games of Command, Linnea Sinclair), Gray Rouillard (After the Night, Linda Howard),
11. Katie(babs) - Alexander (The Bronze Horseman, Paullina Simons) Rehvenge (Black Dagger Brotherhood series, JR Ward), James Diaz (Cry No More, Linda Howard) Gabriel "Sully" Sullivan (Gabriel's Ghost, Linnea Sinclair), Rain Tairen Soul (Tairen Soul Series, C.L. Wilson),
12. JenB - Vane Kattalakis (Night Play, Sherrilyn Kenyon) Angel (Angel, Johanna Lindsey) Rule, (The Demon You Know, Christine Warren), Kade (Riley Jenson Guardian series, Keri Arthur), Challen (Warrior's Woman, Johanna Lindsey),
13. Ciaralira - Ethan McCabe (Demon Night, Meljean Brook) Hugh Castleford (Demon Angel, Meljean Brook) Westley (The Princess Bride, William Goldman), Lord Robert Andreville (Robin) (Angel Rogue, Mary Jo Putney), Kieran vel Solande (Tairen Soul Series, C.L. Wilson),
14. Christine - Acheron (Dark Hunter series, Sherrilyn Kenyon) Qhuinn (Black Dagger Brotherhood series, JR Ward) Vishous (Black Dagger Brotherhood series, JR Ward), Butch O'Neill (Black Dagger Brotherhood series, JR Ward), Belial (Guardians Series, Meljean Brook),
15. Carolyn Jean - Eric Northman (Sookie series, Charlaine Harris), Joe Morelli (Stephanie Plum, Janet Evanovich), Ranger (Stephanie Plum, Janet Evanovich), Michael (Guardian Series, Meljean Brook), Adrian a.k.a. Hawker (The Spymaster's Lady, Joanna Bourne)
16. Sarah - Clay (Women of the Otherworld series, Kelley Armstrong), Nathaniel (Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Series), Barinthus ( Meredith Gentry), Lucas (Heaven Sent Series, Jet Mykels), Jericho Barrons (Fever Series, Karen Marie Monings),
17. LesleyW - John Matthew aka Tehrror (Black Dagger Brotherhood series, JR Ward), Jeremy Danvers (Women of the Otherworld series, Kelly Armstrong), Vayl (Jaz and Vayl series, Jennifer Rardin), Curran (Magic Bites and Magic Burns, Ilona Andrews), Richard Tremayne High Lord of the Darkyn (Darkyn books, Lynn Viehl)
18. Tumperkin - Mick Tremore (The Proposition, Judith Ivory), Michael McNeil (Patricia Gaffney's Wild at Heart), Christian, Duke of Jervaulx (Flowers from the Storm, Laura Kinsale), Graham Wessit (Black Silk, Judith Ivory), Sebastian Verlaine (To Have and To Hold, Pat Gaffney),
19. Ana - Bowen MacRieve (Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night, Kresley Cole), Sebastian St. Vincent (Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas), Royce Westmoreland (A Kingdom of Dreams,Judith McNaught), Conrad Wroth (Dark Needs at Night's Edge, Kresley Cole), Logan a.k.a. Wolverine (X-Men),
20. Bridget Locke - Mr. Jules Cassidy (All Through the Night, Suzanne Brockmann), Bones (One Foot in the Grave and Halfway to the Grave by Jeannie Frost), Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen), Judd Laurens (Caressed by Ice, Nalini Singh), Simon Hunt (Secrets of a Summer's Night, Lisa Kleypas),