I haven't had a library loot in a while. Here's a look at what I've brought home in the last couple of weeks.
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
I saw this book all over the place for a while late last year and when fellow readers lead by Joy of Joy's Book Blog expressed interest in reading and discussing it together, I decided to check it out, too. I only read some parts of the book and intend to share my thoughts within the next couple of days. Overall, I think this book contains a lot of valuable information and insights to the undervalued role of introverts in our society.

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka graphic novel adapted by Peter KuperQuiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
I saw this book all over the place for a while late last year and when fellow readers lead by Joy of Joy's Book Blog expressed interest in reading and discussing it together, I decided to check it out, too. I only read some parts of the book and intend to share my thoughts within the next couple of days. Overall, I think this book contains a lot of valuable information and insights to the undervalued role of introverts in our society.

A Game For Swallows by Zeina Abirached
I thought these graphic novels sounded quite fascinating. I really have very little knowledge about Franz Kafka - his life or his writing. I did read his wiki entry after bringing The Metamorphosis home so I'm curious now.
I saw someone (I'm afraid I forgot who it was!) post a photo of A Game For Swallows on instagram with a quick rave assessment so I grabbed it off the shelf when I saw it at the library. It's a memoir inspired story about a family in Beirut during the civil war.
I thought these graphic novels sounded quite fascinating. I really have very little knowledge about Franz Kafka - his life or his writing. I did read his wiki entry after bringing The Metamorphosis home so I'm curious now.
I saw someone (I'm afraid I forgot who it was!) post a photo of A Game For Swallows on instagram with a quick rave assessment so I grabbed it off the shelf when I saw it at the library. It's a memoir inspired story about a family in Beirut during the civil war.
A Rogue By Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean
This is the first book in the author's The Rules of Scoundrel's series and it's been on my TBR for quite some time. I've read a lot of great buzz for MacLean's latest in this series, One Good Earl Deserves A Lover, but I am a stickler for reading these things in order so it was time to get this one at the top of the book pile!
Wild About Greens by Nava Atlas
A plethora of recipes for cooking those greens that are so healthy for you! I made a modified version of the Pad Se Ew in this cookbook tonight. I thought it was a very attempt at the authentic Thai dish, but it didn't quite pass the critics test, i.e., my family. We thought it was decent, but not as good as another recipe I've tried which is yet not as good as the local Thai restaurant. Lots of other recipes to explore in this one.
What Katie Ate by Katie Quinn Davies
A cookbook with mouth-watering recipes and photos that are candy for the eye, this one is written by the award winning Australian based food photographer, Katie Quinn Davies. It's a visual delight. A culinary one as well, I'm sure. I need to experiment in the latter with this one. Visit Katie Quinn's website at http://www.whatkatieate.com/
A rather eclectic mix of books on my coffee table this month!
Have you read or are you interested in any of these?
I'd love to know your thoughts or comments on any or all of these titles.
What books do you have out on YOUR coffee table?
Have you read or are you interested in any of these?
I'd love to know your thoughts or comments on any or all of these titles.
What books do you have out on YOUR coffee table?
I never even think to bring cookbooks home from the library. I splash stuff all over them all the time and use a lot of post it notes so I will typically just buy them. I haven't checked out an actual book in forever but I download audio books all the time (kindle books too!).
ReplyDeleteI work in a university library but their fiction shelves are hit and miss.
I've had my eye on Quiet for sometime but haven't actually picked it up yet. Enjoy your loot!
ReplyDeleteI've read the MacLean and thoroughly enjoyed it. The next one is great, too.
ReplyDeleteNow I want pie thanks to that cover! LOL
ReplyDeleteI remember reading Kafka at school, it does sound like something that would work out for a graphic novel I hope it does.!
Enjoy your books :D
Very eclectic mix, Christine, but at the same time, so very you :) I hope you enjoy the books!
ReplyDeleteI love that your reading is all over the place. A lot like mine. Looking forward to your thoughts on Quiet. It sounds right up my alley, as I have been an introvert for most of my life.
ReplyDeleteHope you and yours are happy and healthy!
I have Quiet but haven't read it yet, and A Game For Swallows too, forget where I came across it but I love graphic novels like these. Haven't read anything by MacLean before - hope it's good!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny but this is the second time I've seen What Kaite Ate in the last few days but the first time I didn't have time to look into it and forgot about it. So this is serendipitous - I had to order a copy!
Ti You could put a piece of plastic wrap over the cookbook when you try out recipes. I have borrowed so many fabulous new release cookbooks from the library that I would never have otherwise discovered. I recommend you browse the shelves at your library and see if you can resist borrowing one!
ReplyDeleteLinda I've recommended Quiet to a couple of people already and I only read bits of the beginning and end. Let me know if you check it out.
Angiegirl I'm reading the MacLean book now am really loving it! Yay!
Alex. Doesn't that pie look amazing?! It's a very artsy cookbook. I like it. I'll let you know about the Kafka!
nath Thanks! I think. lol!
Brandy I think I go threw waves.. all romance for several books in a row and then Bam! All over the place for several. Then always back to romance. :) You should definitely read Quiet! I'm sure your library has it--it was a NYT bestseller for quite some time last year, I think.
Shannon (Giraffe Days), Quiet is quite insightful, I think. I learned much from what I did manage to read from the book. I'm thoroughly enjoying the MacLean book!
Oooh! So brave just ordering What Katie Ate without having at least thumbed through it first! Hope you love it.. I am lamenting having to return it to the library later this week and considering buying a copy for myself! So perhaps you've got the right idea! ;)
I've been wanting to read A Rogue By Any Other Name as well so I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! And it looks like you've got lots of good books to look forward to. Enjoy :)