This is my first library loot in several weeks! That's partly due to the fact that I wanted to finish the pile of library books I had out already before borrowing more books because it was getting kind of crazy keeping track of multiple due dates, sometimes two or more in one week! Then it's partly due to the fact that things have gotten busier around here with the start up of school. Well, I finally got myself to the library for a 10 minute visit before closing time the other night and borrowed two books. Yay!

I borrowed this one for the Authors by the Alphabet book club that I joined a few weeks ago, hosted by Paula at Tome's Devotee blog. This is the first book in the club and I really don't want to fail before we even started, so hopefully I'll read this one over the weekend. Our book club discussion will probably take place sometime next week, so the pressure is on! Why do I do this to myself? LOL.

The Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy, Book 2
This book is a re-loot. Would you believe I had to wait on the hold list for this book over the summer, finally got it in my hands, and by the time I was ready to read it, it was due back and I couldn't renew it because someone was waiting for it? I hate when that happens. Now it's my turn. Again.
I very rarely return books to the library unread. In fact, I think I've only done that three times this year, Linger being the only one of the three that I've gone back and borrowed again a few weeks later.
What about you? How often do you return books to the library unread?
Hi Christine,
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I pick up library books, I'll read them before I read the ones that I bought.
I have The Godmother checked out from the library as well but haven't yet read it. I'm sure gonna try though :) And I end up returning books back the library unread all of the time. But I also check a ton of books out so I guess what do I expect?
ReplyDeleteI return library books unread ALL the time! And then I reborrow them, and then I return them unread, and the cycle continues! Generally, when I do read them, I am left wondering what on earth I was waiting for!
ReplyDeleteI have borrowed Linger at least twice! lol
I hope you like Linger, as I have heard that is a really good one!!! There are times when I return a book unread when I am unable to renew it, but since I usually read pretty fast, it doesn't happen very often, but it has happened, and I am sure will happen more. Hope you are having a great reading week!!!
ReplyDeleteHaven't been to the library for a while now and couldn't join the library loot because of this. But I enjoyed checking your lists as well as others. I hope this time you'll get to finish Linger ;-)
ReplyDeleteI've rarely checked out a book and returned it not read and usually in that case it was because I changed my mind on reading the book. *g*
ReplyDeleteHope you're having a great day!
LOL @ Marg cause that sounds just like me! Except I did manage to read Linger before it had to go back but it was close. :)
ReplyDeleteI use the county & city libraries and have about 60 books out total. Sometimes I'll get 1st 2 or 3 books from a series, read the 1st & not like it and take all of them back.
I went to the city library today and got 12 books. Hopefully I'll have time to read them all. ;)
What pretty covers this week!
ReplyDeleteI probably return about half of my library picks unread. I have absolutely no problem picking up a book and then putting it down after thirty or forty pages, realising that it's not for me or I'm simply not in the mood (which can lead me to borrow the same book many, many times until I finally am in that mood). Not everyone's style, I know, but it works for me!
Enjoy your loot!
Dru... I usually give library books priority over purchased books, too.
ReplyDeleteSamantha... I started The Godmother today and really like the main character already, so hopefully the story will be really enjoyable as well. I hope you get to it!
Marg... LOL! I can relate to your borrow, return, reborrow, repeat pattern. I have done that a few times myself. Too funny that you've borrowed Linger at least twice, too! I have the feeling once I actually start reading it, I'll finish it in no time.
Lover of Romance... I feel gypped when I have to return a book unread just because I have no more renewals left, even if it is my own fault. LOL.
Natalie... Who needs the library when you can loot books from your friends, right? LOL I'm teasing you.
Brandy... I've noticed you are very good about borrowing, reading and returning books promptly. :)
Leslie... WOW! That's a lot of loot from your library at one time!!! Where do you keep them? How do you keep track of all those due dates? I was going crazy with 10 books out at a time. LOL!
Claire ... Your borrowing method is actually an excellent one. I mean, isn't that the beauty of borrowing from the library--to take chances, be impulsive and just TRY books? There's nothing to lose with that method! I want to be like that, but I usually end up going to the library with a couple of books in mind and don't stray far from that.
Wanted to let you know about a super cute YA I just read last night titled Monster High by Lisi Harrison. I'm already looking forward to the next book due out next Spring! *G* (It's a pretty light read, but cute and fun.)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to return a couple unread this week. I just bit off more than I could chew :)
ReplyDeleteI've got The Wolves Of Mercy Falls trilogy on my tbr list. I'll try them at some time!
You will love "The Maid" by TsuTsui. It's thought provoking and scandalous! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. The way you are living, I'm not surprise you would live happily ever after!
I do it all the time too. So much that I've decided not to borrow too many books from the library anymore... since I have to go return it, ugh.
ReplyDeleteNow that I work at one? I return things all the time unread, Because I see so much, I check so much out and maybe wll get a chance to glance at it. I had 35 children's picture books checked out for the kiddo and even though HE read them all, I returned them all over the weekend. 35 ! holy cow. time to downsize.
ReplyDeleteBrandy... thanks for the heads up on Monster High! It sounds really fun! I'm going to keep my eye out for it at the library. If it's a light, cute read, maybe it will be appropriate for my tween (age 11). She's kind of outgrown the children's section and is kind of too young for many of the YA, so I'm always on the look out for something kind of in between.
ReplyDeleteLinda ... I will let you know for sure when I get to it, but I think I heard Linger ends with a big cliffhanger, so maybe you'd be wise to wait for the third and final book before starting the series and then reading straight through all three books in a row!
JoV ... I added The Maid to my to-be-looted list. LOL! Thanks for the rec! And thank you so much for the sweet words about my blog! I'm just doing what I can to stay healthy and upbeat and savoring all the good things in life and sometimes sharing some of that good stuff here. =)
nath ... I hear you. Sometimes I read a really great book from the library and want to keep it. LOL!
Michelle ... How do you keep yourself from plopping down in some quiet aisle and just READING while you're working?
35 picture books is A LOT of picture books. I wouldn't be able to keep track of all that!
Oh! I wanted to also mention that I read The Godmother by Carrie Adams over the weekend and I LOVED it. I think I cried more than I smiled, but it was very fun to read. The story was very smart and realistic and had SO many astute insights to life, friendship, love and family. And to finding your own path in life. I'm still thinking about the story and the characters-- almost wishing there was more, even though it ended properly.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was still borrowing books from the library I would devour everything almost no books were return unread. But that was when I was young and had plenty time to read quick. Now I don't borrow anymore -- partly due to my library having a meager collection of books and partly due to my laziness to go to the library and keep track of due dates. Lol.
ReplyDeleteQuestion -- is the Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy one you would recommend? I'm thinking of picking up Shiver, the first book.
Christine ~ I have a bookcase where I keep all my library books plus 5-10 books from my tbr pile that I plan to read next. I also keep any books that I've read but not reviewed yet there and books for the UBS.
ReplyDeleteMy online library accounts makes it easy to track the due dates and see if there are any requests for the books I have out. Those books go to the top of the pile.
I return unread books all the time. Usually after I've renewed them even! Oops! :)
ReplyDeleteIf I borrow something from the library, I read it immediately. But unfortunately, I don't borrow too often. :(
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoy Linger and I look forward to reading your thoughts on The Godmother. :)
Oh, enjoy your loot this week!
ReplyDeleteI don't often return books unread - I do if I've decided not to read them though :) My library list can cause me stress though - juggling which book to read first (I try and read those books with holds first :) can drive me batty!
Tabitha... I have gotten in the habit of checking the local libraries for books I'm interested in before buying them, but it's hit or miss with straight romance or anything that comes out in mass market paperback.
ReplyDeleteThe Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy is good--I really like Maggie Steifvater's writing and her story telling voice, but I'm not sure if this is one you want to buy in hardcover as an adult. I think you'd enjoy the hours spent reading the stories, but I am thinking you wouldn't deem them as keepers, so recommend you borrow them from the library! LOL! I think her Faerie series is a little more sophisticated. The first two books are Lament and Ballad.
Leslie... that's smart to have a bookcase for library books. I used to keep the books I read but wanted to review on the shelf of my nightstand, but it started to spill over because I wasn't writing reviews, so I gave up. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI use the online library account, too, but I still mess up the due dates. Even when I get the reminder email a few days before... *sigh*
Mollie ... I do that, too!!! Nearly EVERY time.
Hilcia ... I loved The Godmother. Did you see my comment above? I'm not sure I'll write a review... I'm thinking about it... LOL.
orannia ... You are a library looter extraordinaire. I don't know how you do it! ^_^
Just read your comment on The Godmother, Christine. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Sounds like a great book.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recommendation of Lament and Ballad. I'll look into the two books. :)