So what have I been up to? Well, mostly the construction project at home has me so busy, you'd think I was building it myself! The guys are making great progress. on the addition. The first floor is framed and the framing of the second floor starts tomorrow morning. By the end of the week, they will be ripping off my old roof and joining the two rooflines together as one roof. I imagine this week will be very noisy and very messy, but it will be neat to see the new shape of the house when the roof is finished.
This is the view from the driveway where there will be steps to a small covered porch. The door will be the opening to the left, adjacent to the existing dining room windows.
Here's a view of the back of the house, with the first floor framed. The large opening to the left is for the set of french glider doors that will have a full length sidelight windows on other side. The opening to the right of that is for the window of my father-in-law's future room.

Here's a view of the back of the house, with the first floor framed. The large opening to the left is for the set of french glider doors that will have a full length sidelight windows on other side. The opening to the right of that is for the window of my father-in-law's future room.
So that's what the workers have been doing--what about me? Well, with the upcoming roofing job, we were faced with the gruesome act of completely emptying our attic. Ugh. We had one of those on site pod storage units delivered last Monday, and I started packing up clothes and books. My husband then took a day off and we completely emptied everything from the attic into the pod. Fortunately, when we had central air installed about six years ago, I combed through our things and donated or threw away a lot of items, and I was very good about only putting things in the attic that we wanted to keep. That's not to say that it wasn't a lot of stuff, but at least it was fairly organized.
Most things like clothes and holiday decorations were stored in those plastic containers, but there was also luggage, some cherished children's books and toys I can't yet part with (like Goodnight Moon, Corduroy, and the toy kitchen and barbies that got played with daily for six or seven years straight), the girls' bassinet (awww!), craft supplies, college textbooks (Electromagnetic Fields and Solid State Circuits? Please. Like I'll ever read those textbooks again?) and assorted other items like a milk crate of old LPs circa 1975 to 1986. (I think I need to download The Lexicon of Love by ABC, circa 1982, onto my iPod this week. I love that album.) Fun stuff! ;)

We also started moving furniture and belongings from our bedroom and the dining room into the pod as well, since as soon as the roof is done and the addition space is weather tight, the construction will break through into our current living space and those spaces need to be empty. Of course, the house is a mess right now because we couldn't get it all done in one day, and our weekend was busy with outside activities, so I haven't done any more packing since Friday. From my kitchen, I've only packed up my cookbooks, so I'll have a lot to pack there, too. I'm hoping to do that job at the very last minute, because I plan on cooking until the night before the kitchen is scheduled to be gutted.
Needless to say, I still have major work cut out for myself tomorrow and the weeks to come. I hope to catch up with all of you during the week! :)
Hi Christine! I hope you're doing all right with all that is going on at your house. I know from our move last year how much time it takes to pack things up. And you have the construction going on at the same time!
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to post an update. The pictures look very promising. And if it gets too much, think of what you'll have when all is finished! :)
The additions is going to be amazing when it's all finished!!
ReplyDeleteI would be nuts right about now, having my house in disarray as you describe yours! But the payoff will be worth it :).
Hey, sweetie, we do miss you but we all know you're handling a lot of additional work ATM too.
ReplyDeleteI'm very happy that your contractors are making good progress! We can't seem to get them to do anything of the sort down here when stuff needs doing. My boss has been trying to have a back porch rebuilt for several weeks now with barely an inch of progress.
Thanks for the update! Stay relaxed, however you can and hugs for the days you can't.
I have been wondering how you guys have been doing--it looks amazing, and man, you are gonna have a completely new house when you guys are done!
ReplyDeleteHeck, I envy you even the upheaval, just thinking of the end result.
Chrissy! So glad to hear from you. ^_^ Wow, 230+ blog posts? Really? You must follow a lot. :) Awwww, I loved Corduroy.
ReplyDeleteThis is so exciting to see the pictures. It's all moving forward. Horray! Everything will look gorgeous once done. The space for the two girls, space for grandpa, space for you and hubby, and of course, space for books. =D
*hugs hugs*
Good luck with the rennovations! I'm keeping my fingers crossed it all goes smoothly!
ReplyDeleteOMG! You are a far better woman than I could ever hope to be! All that chaos going on, and you're not letting loose with a foaming-at-the-mouth rant?!
ReplyDeleteI'd be completely bat-shit crazy by this point.
Thank you all so much for the comments and words of encouragement. It's so exciting to be doing this, but also overwhelming by how much I have to do, too. I understand why a lot of people move out to an apartment or to relatives' houses during a renovation like this, but honestly, we just can't afford rent on top of all of this! Right now I'm hoping for good weather over the next two weeks or so until the new space is weather tight. It won't have heat, but at least the rain and snow won't get in or delay progress.
ReplyDeleteBev(QB) LOL... well.. I'm trying to remind myself how lucky I am to be able to be doing this kind of construction in the first place. I'm hoping it will help me keep a positive attitude throughout this whole thing. If anything, the rant would be about my husband whose efforts at home haven't changed a bit and yet mine are like I'm working two full time jobs and he's clueless about how much I'm doing.
How's that? Better? lol