I was an avid reader of fiction in junior high and high school... reading books of my own choice simultaneously with the required reads of English class. However, when I went to college, then grad school, and shortly after that became a busy mom chasing after young children, I wouldn't be able to stay awake long enough after my perpetual night owl children fell asleep to do any reading other than magazines! Then one day, after having watched the first two Harry Potter films on the big screen, my then eight year old daughter became interested in reading J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels, and I began to read the series out loud to her, and finally rediscovered the joy of reading fiction!
I stuck with the young adult genre (mostly fantasy) for quite some time, as I was rewarded by being able to find the time to finish a book in a week, and it enabled me to engage my preteen daughter in some meaningful book discussions and foster a love of reading with her. I was in the bookstore one night browsing for some new reads and was drawn to the compelling cover of
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I read the blurb on the back cover, opened the book to a random page and started reading. I ended up standing there reading five or so pages and was instantly drawn into the world of the unassuming girl being drawn to and enchanted by a near perfect guy, who just happens to be a vampire. Of course, I bought
Twilight and devoured it. Several times. If any of you have read read
Twilight, you know how captivating the story is. Meyer has an amazing story voice, as she weaves a magical love story filled with suspense and beautiful sexual tension, out of an otherwise commonplace coming of age story. I promptly bought the sequel,
New Moon that had just been recently released and devoured it with the same fervor. Agonizing over the fact that I had a whole year to wait for
Eclipse, Meyer's third installment in the Twilight series, I knew I needed another vampire love story fix. Perhaps one that was more adult.

So I poked around online, and to my pleasant surprise, discovered an entire genre filled with vampire love stories!! I went to my local Barnes & Noble and started my foray into paranormal romance by picking up Dark Lover, the first book in J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series, a.k.a. the BDB. At that time, Lover Eternal and newly released Lover Awakened were also available, but I decided to just get the first book in case I didn't like it. Pfffft! Needless to say, I was back in the bookstore twenty four hours later snatching up the next two books, doing the absolute minimum to take care of my family, and immersing myself into J.R. Ward's amazing world of the BDB.
The rest, as they say, is history. I've spent the last fifteen months reading probably well over a hundred romance novels. Nearly all of them have been from the paranormal genre, with one or two historical and one contemporary romance thrown in there. Now I'm a romance addict, and if you're like me. . . you know there's no turning back!
So when did you start reading romance? What book turned you to a romance addict?